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Old Testament Daily Bible Verse

Leviticus 27:14 – Numbers 1:54

Leviticus 27:14 – Numbers 1:54

In this daily Bible reading God instructs Moses and Aaron to take a census of Israel by tribes of all men 20 years old and upward. The results of the census showed that the most populous tribe was the tribe of Judah, which numbered 74,600 men.The tribe of Judah is significant in that King David was of the tribe of Judah. More importantly, Jesus was of the tribe of Judah.  The next most populous tribe…

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Leviticus 25:47 – 27:13 | The Old Testament | Bible Insights

Leviticus 25:47 – 27:13

In this daily Bible reading God tells Moses the good things that will happen in Israel if Israel follows and obeys God’s commandments and directions. Their crops and herds will prosper. They will become vastly superior in strength to their enemies. They will live peacefully and securely in their land. God also tells Moses what will happen to Israel if Israel does not obey God.  God will restrict the rain, and their crops will suffer.…

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Leviticus 25:47 – 27:13 | The Old Testament | Bible Insights

Leviticus 25:47 – 27:13

In this daily Bible reading is the account of the son of an Israelite woman and an Egyptian man cursing using the name of God. God told Moses that this young man was to be stoned to death. He further said that any person in Israel that blasphemed the name of God was to be put to death. God also said that if any person killed another, that person was to be put to death.…

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Leviticus 22:17 – 23:44 | The Old Testament | Bible Insights

Leviticus 22:17 – 23:44

In this daily Bible reading God instructs Moses regarding the festivals that Israel is to observe each year. In the first month of the Jewish calendar, Israel was to celebrate the Passover. This was to commemorate the Lord passing over Israel and killing the firstborn of each Egyptian. This event caused the Egyptian Pharaoh to let Israel leave Egypt. In the seventh month of the Jewish calendar, Israel was to celebrate the Feast of Trumpets.…

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Leviticus 20:22 – 22:16 | The Old Testament | Bible Insights

Leviticus 20:22 – 22:16

In this daily Bible reading is the account of God continuing to instruct Moses regarding Israel’s required behavior. God told Moses the marital restrictions for priests. Priests were only allowed to marry virgins. They could not marry divorced women or widows. God required the priests to be pure before Him before they could offer sacrifices that would be acceptable to God. God did not require His priests to be celibate. They could indeed have wives…

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Leviticus 19:1 – 20:21 | The Old Testament | Bible Insights

Leviticus 19:1 – 20:21

In this daily Bible reading God continues to instruct Moses regarding the proper behavior of the “sons of Israel.”  God tells Moses how the people are to treat each other. He gives many specifics, but they can be summarized with the command, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” God required them to treat each other with fairness, dignity, compassion, and love. The Bible says that all of God’s commandments for us are summarized by…

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Leviticus 16: 29 – 18:30 | The Old Testament | Bible Insights

Leviticus 16:29–18:30

In this daily Bible reading God instructs Moses on how the people are to conduct themselves in relationships to each other. God speaks about His restrictions and limits on sexual relations between the people. He told Moses that the people were not to have sexual relations with blood relatives: mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, even cousins. God also said, “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female;…

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Leviticus 15:1 – 16:28 | The Old Testament | Bible Insights

Leviticus 15:1–16:28

In this daily Bible reading God speaks to Moses, instructing Moses about cleansing people who had various afflictions. Some of the afflictions were contagious, and people had to be isolated until they were cured. Once people were cured, they were required to offer a sacrifice for their sins. This further validates my belief that there is a linkage between diseases and sin. Many are physically afflicted today because of sin in their lives. However, they…

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Leviticus 14:1 – 57 | The Old Testament | Bible Insights

Leviticus 14:1 – 57

In this daily Bible reading are God’s instructions to Moses regarding the diagnosis and treatment of leprosy in people and in houses. God told Moses how to recognize leprosy that was still contagious and leprosy that was cured. God also instructed Moses on the sacrifices to atone for the leprosy once it had been cured. Again, I conclude that leprosy was a result of sin in one’s life, just as many diseases today are the…

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Leviticus 13:1 – 59 | The Old Testament | Bible Insights

Leviticus 13:1 – 59

In this daily Bible reading God speaks to Moses regarding the identification and treatment of people with leprosy. Leprosy seemed to be a common and widespread disease during the time of the Exodus. It was also common during Jesus’ ministry on the earth. It is not so common today, but we have many other diseases with which to contend. I believe that people were afflicted with leprosy because of the sin in their lives. Once…

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