Welcome to Bible Insights! In this website, the author, and test pilot, Harding (Brent) Hedgpeth presents new daily Bible passages each day in an easy to read format. Using Scripture passages from the One Year Bible (NASB Version) Brent summarizes Old Testament, New Testament, Proverbs and Psalms Passages. He then provides insight into the relevance of the Scripture content. Brent sometimes refers to Bible passages found elsewhere in the Bible to support his insights. Readers are invited to read the actual Bible passages that Brent summarizes so that they may gain their own insights and confirm Brent’s summary and insights.
Prior to launching Bible Insights, Brent wrote the book, ‘The Hope of Salvation.’ He was motivated to write this book because of churches teaching the ‘Assurance of Salvation’ doctrine. Many churches teach that a person is assured of his or her Salvation by a one-time profession of belief in Jesus Christ. The Bible does not support this.
As he wrote his book, Brent realized that the Bible is absolutely essential to one’s Salvation journey. Belief in Jesus Is indeed necessary for salvation. However, this belief has no meaning unless one accurately characterizes Jesus. This characterization is only found in the Bible. Brent hopes that his blog/website will stimulate an interest in reading the Bible so that people will come to know Jesus.
Reading these daily Bible verses along with the Biblical Insights will ignite your thirst for living a virtuous life, demonstrating Faith, and positively influencing your ultimate destiny.

Learn more about The Hope of Salvation
Many churches teach that salvation is gained and assured the moment one believes and trusts in Jesus Christ. ‘The Hope of Salvation’ clarifies the Biblical path to salvation, articulates a Biblical argument that refutes the “assurance of salvation” doctrine, and reveals the spiritual dangers that are produced by this teaching. ‘The Hope of Salvation’ also demonstrates why the Bible is essential to one’s Salvation journey.