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New Testament Daily Bible Verse

Mark 12:38 – 13:13 | The Old Testament | Bible Insights

Mark 12:38 – 13:13

In this daily Bible reading Jesus’ disciples were marveling at the beauty of the Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus responded telling them that the Temple would be destroyed one day. His disciples asked Him when this would take place. Jesus then told them about the end times just before His return to the Earth. Jesus said that many will come in Jesus’ name claiming to be Jesus. The uninformed masses will be deceived by these false…

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Mark 1Mark 12:18 – 37 | The New Testament | Bible Insights2:18 – 37 | The New Testament | Bible Insights

Mark 12:18 – 37

In this daily Bible reading Jesus is questioned about life after death by one of the Sadducees. The Sadducees did not believe in life after death. The Sadducee questioning Jesus referred to a Jewish law which said that if a man is married with no children and dies, then his brother is obliged to marry his widow and have children in his name. The Sadducee asked Jesus whose wife would she be in Heaven if…

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Mark 11:27-12:17 | The New Testament | Bible Insights

Mark 11:27-12:17

In this daily Bible reading Jesus tells the Jewish religious leaders a parable about a vineyard owner.  The vineyard owner had built the vineyard and wine making facility.  He then rented his vineyard to vine growers and went on a journey. At harvest the vineyard owner sent one of his slaves to receive some of the produce.  However, the vineyard tenants beat the slave and sent him away empty handed.  So, the vineyard owner sent other…

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Mark 11:1 – 26 | The New Testament | Bible Insights

Mark 11:1 – 26

In this daily Bible reading is the account of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem just days prior to His death on a Roman cross. Jesus entered Jerusalem mounted on a small donkey. He was accompanied by throngs of people who were praising Jesus, saying, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David.” It is most fascinating that only a few days later the same…

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Mark 10:32 – 52 | The New Testament | Bible Insights

Mark 10:32 – 52

In this daily Bible reading is the account of Jesus and His disciples returning to Jerusalem. As they passed through Jericho, a blind beggar called out to Jesus, saying, “Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me.” Jesus called the blind beggar and asked the beggar, “What do you want Me to do for you?” The blind beggar said to Jesus, “I want to regain my sight.” Jesus then restored the beggar’s sight and said…

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Mark 10:13 – 31 | The New Testament | Bible Insights

Mark 10:13 – 31

In this daily Bible reading is the account of a rich young man asking Jesus what he must do to gain Eternal Life. Jesus told him that he must keep God's Commandments. The young man said that he had obeyed God’s Commandments all his life. Jesus then told him to sell all his possessions and give to the poor; and then come and follow Jesus. The young man then went away sad.  He was not…

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Mark 9:30 – 10:12 | The New Testament | Bible Insights

Mark 9:30 – 10:12

In this daily Bible reading Jesus tells His disciples the following dramatic statement: “If your hand causes you to stumble cut it off; it is better for you to enter life crippled than to having your two hands to go into Hell, into the unquenchable fire.” He made similar statements regarding feet and eyes. I believe Jesus was saying that there are situations that will lead people to give themselves over to sin. These situations…

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Mark 9:1 – 29 | The New Testament | Bible Insights

Mark 9:1 – 29

In this daily Bible reading is the account of Jesus being transformed before Peter, James, and John. Jesus’ garments became dazzlingly white and radiant. He appeared as a godly figure before them. Moses and Elijah also appeared before them and conversed with Jesus. This transformation further solidified Jesus’ Godly character in the minds of Peter, James, and John. These disciples would have a pivotal role in establishing Jesus’ Church on Earth after Jesus’ death on…

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Mark 8:11 – 38 | The New Testament | Bible Insights

Mark 8:11 – 38

In this daily Bible reading Jesus tells His disciples: “Whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake and the Gospel’s shall save it.” I believe Jesus’ statement means that we should align our choices with what the Word of God requires of us. For example, if we are having troubles in our marriage and encounter another person who is more appealing, we may be tempted to…

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Mark 7:24 – 8:10 | The New Testament | Bible Insights

Mark 7:24 – 8:10

In this daily Bible reading is the account of Jesus going to the region of Tyre. While there He was approached by a Phoenician woman who asked Jesus to cast a demon from her daughter. Jesus’ response to her was, “Let the children be satisfied first, for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” By this response, Jesus was telling the woman that He came into the…

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