In this daily Bible reading the Apostle John sees a ‘sea of glass’ in Heaven. On the glass stood a myriad of people: “Those who had come off victorious from the beast and from his…
In this daily Bible reading the Apostle John is told the consequences of taking ‘the mark of the beast.’ The Bible says that in the end times people will not be able to buy or…
In this daily Bible reading the Apostle John sees a vision of a beast having ten horns. The Bible says that in the ‘end times’ a person will rise to become leader of the former…
In this daily Bible reading the Apostle John sees a vision of a woman with a crown of 12 stars who was about to give birth to a child. There was a dragon waiting to…
In this daily Bible reading the Apostle John continues to speak of the ‘end times’ vision given to him. Before the sounding of the seventh trumpet, John was shown two individuals. These individuals were characterized…
In this daily Bible reading the Apostle John spoke of his continued vision of God’s coming judgment upon the Earth. After the sixth Trumpet Judgment John saw an angel descending to the Earth, holding a…
In this daily Bible reading the Apostle John continues to see the Trumpet Judgments of God, which are coming to the Earth. When the fifth trumpet sounds, a bottomless pit will be opened. Locust-like creatures…
In this daily Bible reading John is given a vision of the seven Trumpet Judgments of God. John sees Jesus breaking the seventh seal of the book God was holding. Heaven was silent for about…
In these passages, the Apostle John sees in Heaven a multitude of people clothed in white robes. They were standing before the throne of God and worshiping God. The Angel speaking to John said, “These…
In this daily Bible reading the ‘Lamb of God,’ Jesus, begins to break the seven seals on the book God is holding. With each seal, significant events take place.
With the breaking of the first…