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Revelation 9:1 – 21 | New Testament Verse Of The Day | Bible Insights

Psalm 69:1-18

In this Psalm David expresses his despair and anguish because of hardships that were occurring in his life. He reached out to God to save him from destruction. David characterized his plight as sinking into deep mud. David said, “I have sunk in deep mire and there is no foothold.” However, David realized that his pain and despair were the direct result of his own wrongdoings. David said, “O God it is Thou who dost know…

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Revelation 8:1 – 13 | New Testament Verse Of The Day | Bible Insights

Psalm 68:19-35

In these passages David says, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burdens, the God who is our Salvation.” David, like many of us, had many burdens in his life. He had troubles with which to deal. These troubles feel like burdens. They restrict our freedoms and squelch our joy. When we turn to God for help, He will carry that burden for us. The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord and lean not on…

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Nahum 1:1 – 3:19 | Old Testament Verse Of The Day | Bible Insights

Psalm 68:1-18

In this Psalm David speaks of blessings that God provides to a land in which the righteous dwell. He also speaks of the land in which those who rebel against God dwell. David says, “Only the rebellious dwell in a parched land.” Referring to the land in which the righteous dwell David says, “Thou didst send abroad a plentiful rain, O God. Thou didst confirm Thine inheritance when it was parched. Thy creatures settled in it.…

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Revelation 7:1 – 17 | The New Testament Verse Of The Day | Bible Insights

Psalm 67:1-7

The Psalmist writes this very familiar blessing, “God be gracious to us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us that Thy way may be known on the earth, Thy salvation among all nations.” When God blesses us, many of us gain an understanding or awareness of God. We begin to believe in Him. Many people do not see a linkage between their good fortune and God. They attribute it to good luck.…

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Revelation 6:1 – 17 | New Testament Verse Of The Day | Bible Insights

Psalm 66:1-20

In this Psalm David speaks again of God’s favor and blessings toward David and toward Israel. David knew that God protected and guided David and heard David’s prayers. However, David said something that indicated God does not hear or heed all prayers. David said, “If I regard wickedness in my heart the Lord will not hear.” The Bible says, “The prayers of a righteous man availeth much.” In other words, the prayers of a person who…

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Micah 1:1 – 4:13 | Old Testament Verse Of The Day | Bible Insights

Psalm 65:1-13

In this Psalm David writes, “How blessed is the one whom Thou dost choose and bring near to Thee.” God has chosen certain people to be with Him and live in His Kingdom for all eternity. The Bible calls these people the Elect. We do not know who these people are. However, we do know some of the things that characterize God’s Elect. First, they believe in Jesus Christ. They believe that Jesus is the only…

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Revelation 5:1 – 14 | New Testament Verse Of The Day | Bible Insights

Psalm 64:1-10

In this Psalm David speaks of God’s protection against David’s enemies. David had many enemies who continually tried to destroy David. However, David placed his trust in God, and God protected David. Additionally, God enabled David not to live in fear of David’s enemies. David was aware of this additional benefit as David prayed, “Preserve my life from the dread of the enemy.” David did not worry about the dangers that surrounded him. David was…

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Jonah 1:1 – 4:11 | Old Testament Verse Of The Day | Bible Insights

Psalm 63:1-11

In this Psalm David speaks of God’s lovingkindness. David says, “Because Thy lovingkindness is better than life, my life will praise Thee.” God’s lovingkindness is mentioned throughout the Bible. What does lovingkindness mean? Lovingkindness is our English translation for the Hebrew word ‘chesed’ used in the original Bible text. There is no precise English translation. However, it can be closely defined as follows: Lovingkindness means God’s abundant and steadfast love for his children. God expresses this…

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Revelation 4:1 – 11 | The New Testament | Bible Insights

Psalm 62:1-12

In this Psalm David again states that God is our only real hope in this world. God is our only real protection from harm and evil. God is the author of our Salvation and Eternal Life. Success and riches may provide comfort and ease. However, they will not protect us. In this regard David says, “If riches increase do not set your heart upon them.” Riches are insidious. They may satisfy us physically. They may also give…

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Obadiah 1:1 – 21 | The Old Testament | Bible Insights

Psalm 61:1-8

In this Psalm the Holy Spirit speaks through David about the future Kingdom of Jesus Christ. He says, “Thou wilt prolong the King’s life; His years will be as many generations. He will abide before God forever. Appoint lovingkindness and Truth that they may preserve Him.” Jesus will be the best King the whole world has ever known. His rule will be characterized by lovingkindness and Truth.  Jesus will be merciful, and Truth will guide His…

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