In this Psalm King David appears to be very depressed and discouraged. The relentless pursuit of David’s enemies had brought David very low. I guess one could say that David was ‘down in the dumps.’…
This Psalm was written by David while he was hiding from King Saul in a cave. Saul was seeking David to kill him. David was a threat to Saul, as David was prophesied to replace…
In this Psalm King David prays to God to keep David from falling into traps that evil men set for him. There were those who tried to entice David to do wicked and evil things.…
In this Psalm King David speaks of God protecting the weak and the poor people. He says, “I know the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted and justice for the poor.” The Bible…
This wonderful Psalm of David is one of my favorites. In it David speaks of how well God knows us. God created each of us for His purpose. He knows in detail the lives we…
In this Psalm David speaks of God favoring the lowly people over those who are powerful and prideful. David writes, “Though the Lord is exalted, yet He regards the lowly; but the haughty He knows…
This Psalm was written while Judah was in Babylonian captivity. Babylon conquered Judea in 587 BC destroying Jerusalem and the Temple where the Jews worshiped God. The Jews, the people of Judah, were in great…
This Psalm focuses on God’s lovingkindness toward Israel throughout Israel’s existence. What is lovingkindness? Lovingkindness is translated from the Hebrew word ‘Chesed.’ Chesed means more than simple kindness. It means giving oneself fully, with love…
This Psalm speaks of those who do not believe in God worshiping idols. Their idols are in the form of material possessions, things that have no lasting value.
The Psalmist writes, “The idols of the nations…
This Psalm speaks of praising God. It says, “Behold, bless the Lord, all servants of the Lord.” Praising God is right for those who believe. God is indeed worthy of praise and glory. God created…