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In this daily Bible reading the Prophet Obadiah speaks of the coming destruction of Edom. Edom was a country bordering the east side of Israel. It was established by Jacob’s twin brother Esau who sold his birthright to Jacob. Though Edom was related to Israel, it was no friend to Israel. 

When Israel was conquered, Edom was delighted. Because of this attitude God judged and determined to destroy Edom. In his prophecy, Obadiah said to Edom: “The arrogance of your heart has deceived you.” Arrogance characterized Jacob’s brother, Esau. Evidently, arrogance characterized Edom as well. Arrogance and pride are closely related.

The Bible says that God hates pride probably more than anything. It also says that God favored Jacob, but He hated Esau. The Bible says that God favors those who are humble.Those who are prideful will be brought down from their self-perceived lofty position. 

The Bible also says that we are to consider others as more important than ourselves, and we are to prioritize the needs of others over our own. This is not a natural characteristic of mankind. It must be developed and nourished over a lifetime.