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In these passages is the account of God destroying the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because the people had become exceedingly wicked and evil. However, before God destroyed the cities he sent two Angels to remove Abraham’s nephew Lot and Lot’s wife and two daughters.

God appeared to Abraham before He destroyed the cities and told Abraham what God was intending to do. Abraham asked God if He would destroy the cities if only 10 righteous people were found there. God said he would not destroy the cities if there were any who were righteous. Only Lot and Lot’s family were deemed righteous by God, and they were removed.

So it is today. There is much evil in the world. However, God is not destroying the world yet. The Bible says that God is allowing the wicked and righteous to coexist until Jesus returns. The Bible says that God will then separate the righteous from the wicked. He will preserve the righteous people and will destroy the wicked people.

Who are the righteous people in God’s eyes? The Bible says that only those who believe and trust in Jesus are deemed to be righteous in God’s eyes. The rest are considered to be wicked and will be destroyed. However, righteous people will be preserved forever.

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