In these passages is the account of Abraham’s wife, Sarah, giving Abraham her Egyptian slave girl, Haggar, to have a child by Haggar. Abraham was 85 years old and Sarah was 75. Sarah had not been able to conceive, and at 75 years of age, she believed she never would. So, Sarah convinced Abraham to impregnate Haggar so that Sarah might have a child through her. Ishmael was born one year later.
It was through Ishmael that all of the Arab nations were created. However, God promised Abraham that Sarah would have a child who would be named Isaac. Isaac would be Abraham’s heir and it would be through Isaac that the nation Israel would be created. However, Isaac would not be born until Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old.
The nations that descended from Isaac and Ishmael would be at odds with each other. Today we see the dissension between Israel and the Arab nations that surround Israel. The Arab nations have tried to destroy Israel, and they have openly proclaimed that goal. The Bible says that this conflict will continue until Jesus returns to the Earth to be King.