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In this daily Bible reading Moses retells the 10 Commandments to the people, the children of those who originally were given the 10 Commandments. Moses then says the following:  “These words which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” 

The people of Israel were to obey God in order to occupy the ‘promised land’ and receive God’s blessings.   Moses was telling the people that it is vitally important to teach their children about God and His guidance for them.   Otherwise, future generations would not know God or know how to live their lives to receive God’s blessings. Teaching our children about God is also important today.

God has richly blessed America since its founding in 1776.  I believe this was the result of the early founders’ reliance on God in establishing America. The government unashamedly proclaimed God and established laws that relied on God’s guidance in the Bible.  However, America’s reliance on God has  declined over the years.  Parents no longer teach their children about God’s guidance in the Bible.  This is because the parents do not  know the Bible or believe in God. 

As a result God’s blessings for America have been declining.  America has become more and more immoral.  Laws have been changed,  They no longer are based on God’s guidance in His Word, the Bible.  I believe that America’s decline will continue.  Soon, America will not be the greatest, most prosperous, or strongest nation in the world.  What a shame.

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