This Psalm is one of King David’s prayers. David was very close to God. God protected and guided him. As a result, David became the best leader Israel had ever known. David sought God’s guidance throughout David’s reign as king.
In his prayer David says, “Teach me Thy way, O Lord; I will walk in Thy Truth.” David prayed to God frequently. David also had access to what we now call the Pentateuch: the first five books of the Old Testament. He had God’s written guidance, which was provided to Moses. David read God’s Word. More importantly he asked God to guide and teach David as he read the Bible.
Today, God teaches those who believe and read the Bible. God does this through His Holy Spirit. The Bible says that when we believe in Jesus, God gives us his Holy Spirit to dwell within us. God’s Holy Spirit illuminates God’s Truths as we read and study the Bible.
When we have God’s Holy Spirit, we also obtain guidance in how to apply God’s Truths in our lives. God will guide us to make good decisions as we walk through life. More importantly, God will guide us to remain on the path that leads to Heaven.