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The Psalmist writes this very familiar blessing, “God be gracious to us and bless us and cause His face to shine upon us that Thy way may be known on the Earth, Thy Salvation among all nations.” When God blesses us, many of us gain an understanding or awareness of God. We begin to believe in Him.

Many people do not see a linkage between their good fortune and God. They attribute it to ‘good luck,’ or they may attribute it to something else. I have heard some people say ‘the gods’ are smiling on us.’ They attribute their blessings to a supernatural power of some sort. However, they don’t perceive the one and only God of the universe.

Those that do correctly identify God as the source of their blessings are given an understanding of God’s plan for Salvation. They begin to seek God. They develop a hunger for God’s Word and gain a deeper understanding of God’s Truths.

God puts these people on a pathway that will lead to Heaven. If you are one of these people, you are truly blessed. You are on a pathway that leads to Eternal Life in paradise.