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In this Psalm David writes, “How blessed is the one whom Thou dost choose and bring near to Thee.” God has chosen certain people to be with Him and live in His Kingdom for all eternity. The Bible calls these people the Elect. We do not know who these people are.

However, we do know some of the things that characterizes God’s Elect. First, they believe in Jesus Christ. They believe that Jesus is the only way to Salvation. These people also delight in the Word of God, the Bible. The Word of God guides them.  God’s Elect also trust in God for guidance and protection.

God’s elect have great Faith in God and live their lives accordingly. They do not live in fear of anything, even death. They are not fearful of losing their lives because they know there are better things beyond the grave. As a result, they have great peace in their lives.

God’s Elect have God’s Holy Spirit within them, and they also have the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  These characteristics are visible to others.

We cannot know if we are of God’s Elect, However we can hope that we are. The Bible says that we must test ourselves to see if we are in the Faith. This we can do.