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In this Psalm David again states that God is our only real hope in this world. God is our only real protection from harm and evil. God is the author of our Salvation and Eternal Life.

Success and riches may provide comfort and ease. However, they will not protect us. In this regard David says, “If riches increase do not set your heart upon them.”

Riches are insidious. They may satisfy us physically. They may also give us power. However, they will not endure. They will not accompany us beyond the grave.

In that regard, we all become equal when we die. What separates us is our destination in eternity. The Bible says that our souls never perish. They exist throughout all time. We will continue to have an awareness of who we are. We will also be rejoined to our physical bodies. We may even recognize each other, and we will be able to experience joy or anguish. Additionally, we will be able to experience pleasures and pain.

The Bible says that those who have lived their lives according to the Word of God will experience pleasures and joy for all eternity. Those who have rejected God will experience anguish and pain for all eternity. Therefore, we must choose the path we will follow now before it is too late.