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In this Psalm, as in many Psalms, God speaks through David saying, “Judah is my scepter.” A scepter is a rod of sorts which a king holds in his hand. God was essentially saying that the tribe of Judah will be God’s implement to rule the world.

The Bible says that Jesus will one day be King of the Earth.  Jesus is God’s Son.   However, Jesus became a human.  He was born into the tribe of Judah.

The tribe of Judah is one of Israel’s 12 tribes. The word Jew comes from the tribe of Judah.  All Jews are Israelites. However, all Israelites are not Jews.

The Jews have retained their identity throughout the ages. However, the other tribes of Israel have not. The tribe of Judah is very important.

Today, Jews from around the world are returning to the land of their ancestors. One day Jesus will return to be their King and King of the entire Earth.

I believe that when Jesus returns, the other tribes of Israel will be identified. Many of them will also return to Israel.