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David wrote this Psalm when King Saul had sent men to kill David. David was a threat to Saul’s rule, and Saul wanted to remove that threat.

As always, David’s response was to rely on God’s protection and help. David said to God, “Thou hast been my stronghold, and a refuge on the day of my distress.” David knew that he couldn’t rely on his own strength to defeat his enemies. They were too numerous and too powerful for David. David knew that his only hope to remain alive was to rely on God.

Relying on God is not an easy thing to do sometimes. We cannot see God. He does not directly speak to us. It takes faith to truly trust in God for help in our lives. We must believe that God exists. Our belief must be strong. We cannot have any doubts. The Bible says, “Without Faith it is impossible to please God.”

God wants our total trust and reliance on Him. The trust that God wants is developed over a lifetime of experiences. As we repeatedly experience and observe God’s help and presence, we then grow into the people of Faith that God wants with Him in Heaven.