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In this Psalm the Lord is honored and praised. He is praised for who He is and for what He has done for Israel. God promised Abraham that God would give Abraham and his descendants the land we now call Israel. This land was occupied by other people who were strong and established. They had built cities and planted crops. They had many possessions.

God drove these people from the land and gave Israel the cities and possessions as he had promised to Abraham. The people God drove from the land did not fear or worship God. They rather worshiped demons. They lived very sinful and decadent lives. God judged them and blessed Israel.

After Israel was established in the land, they prospered and were comfortable. Then Israel turned away from God and worshiped demons. As a result, God drove Israel from the land just like He had driven the people before Israel.

However, God did not totally forsake Israel. After the people were driven from the land, many of them repented and turned back to God. God then returned Israel to the land just as He promised.