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In this Psalm David writes, “But they who seek the Lord shall not be in want of any good thing.” The key words in this passage are ‘good thing.’ Early in our lives we want many things. Some of these things are good for us. Some are not. However, we desire to have things that we think will fulfill our desires.

Many times, we may pray to God to fulfill our desires. We are told by our church to ‘ask and you will receive,’ as it is written in the Bible. Frequently we may ask for riches and fame. When we don’t receive these things, we think that God is not listening.

However, like a good Father, God will not grant requests that are bad for us. He wants us to only have the things that will benefit us spiritually.

As we become more in tune with God’s guidance in the Bible, we will begin to ask for those things that the Bible says are good. God will likely grant those wishes.

The Bible says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” When we delight in the Lord our desires will be for those things that God will approve. Indeed, we will not be in want of any good thing.