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In this Psalm David expresses his sorrow and distress. Life was not going well for David. David’s popularity had waned, and his enemies had increased. David was even failing physically. In this regard David said, “My strength has failed because of my iniquities, and my body has wasted way.” David realized that his condition was due to the sins in his life.

Indeed, there is a link between a person’s sins and their physical health. The Bible says that the consequences of sin can indeed be illness and injury. There is much sin in the world, and there is much affliction. Many people are in poor health. The drug industry is flourishing.

The good news is that physical affliction can be reversed if one departs from their sinful life. The Bible says, “Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength.” Living rightly before God produces good health and renewed strength. That is but one of the many benefits of obeying God.