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In this Psalm David speaks of true peace of mind that only God can provide a person. David says, “The Lord will give strength to His people. The Lord will bless His people with peace.” The Bible says that when we believe in Jesus, we are given the ‘fruits of the Holy Spirit.’ One of those fruits is peace. This is true peace of mind.

One who believes in Jesus is freed from anxiety. The world does not understand this. The Bible says that God gives peace that surpasses all understanding. One must experience this peace to understand it.

I believe the foundation of this peace is placing our trust in God. When we are faced with life’s difficulties and challenges, we know that God will protect and guide us. The Bible says, “Trust in God and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” With that frame of mind, worries do not have control. We may not clearly see the pathway to our solution. However, we can be assured that God will provide the best solution for our situation.