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In this Psalm David prays to God and implores Him to be just in dealing with wicked people. David says, “Requite them according to their work and according to the evil of their practices. Requite them according to the deeds of their hands.”

This brings up an interesting point. God will judge us according to our deeds. Our deeds are the results of our thoughts and decisions. Deeds are an outward manifestation of our inner thoughts. They are an outward manifestation of our inner being. Our deeds reveal who we really are.

God will judge us according to who we really are. He will judge us for our outward manifestation of our love for Him. Our love for God is evidenced by our obedience to Him.

Our motivation is also very important. Sometimes our actions do not appear sinful. However, if our actions are sinfully motivated, then our actions are sinful. God knows our thoughts. Therefore, He knows our motivation.

The Bible says we are to love God with all our being. That includes our thoughts and motivations. Demonstrating our love for God should be the primary focus of our lives. Demonstrating our love for God will keep us on the path that leads to Heaven.