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In this Psalm David appeals to God to help David out of his troubles. David evidently had enemies who wanted to do David harm. They would tell lies to destroy David’s reputation, and they would seek opportunities to physically harm David. David turned to God for help. David said, “False witnesses have risen against me, and such as breathe out violence. I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”

David’s belief and trust in God gave David courage and hope. David was convinced that God would help and shield David from his enemies. David was correct. God did help David.

We too have such a shield and protector. God will protect His children. God’s children are those who believe in His son Jesus Christ. When we believe in Jesus Christ, God the Father sees us as His children. He will guide us and protect us, as a father guides and protects his own children.

Many times, we will encounter trials and times of despair in our lives. We may be at a loss for solutions. Our only real hope in those situations is to turn to God for help. We must trust Him and have patience as He works things out for our good.