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In this Psalm David prays to God proclaiming the choices David has made in his life. David chose to live according to God’s guidance. This choice was evidenced by David’s life. David said, “I have walked in Thy Truth. I do not sit with deceitful men. Nor will I go with pretenders. I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I do not sit with the wicked. I will walk in my integrity.”

Life is all about choices. We, too, must choose the path we will walk. How can we know the path to walk? How can we know right from wrong? Furthermore, how can we know the choices that God wants us to make? The answer to these questions is really quite simple. We must read God’s Word, the Bible.

Once we know the right choices, then we must decide how we want to live. Our choices will then be validated by our lives. Our actions and decisions will prove our choices.

The world in which we live will tempt us to turn away from making the right choices. However, our decision to follow God’s guidance must be solid and unwavering. The good news is that God will help us to do so. God will also bless our lives when we make right choices.