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This Psalm speaks of God’s favor toward Israel. God chose Israel out of all nations on the Earth to be His people. Roughly 4000 years ago God made a covenant with Abraham that God would favor and bless Abraham’s descendants and make them numerous as the stars of Heaven. Abraham miraculously had a son named Isaac when Abraham was 100 years old his wife Sarah was 90.

When Isaac was 60, he had a son named Jacob. Jacob had 12 sons whose descendants became the tribes of Israel. God then provided Israel with God’s guidance on how to live. His guidance was recorded in what is now called the Old Testament of the Bible.

The Psalmist writes, “He declares His words to Jacob, His statutes and his ordinances to Israel. He has not dealt thus with any nation.”

Israel followed God’s guidance for many years and receive God’s blessings. However, they eventually departed from God and followed doctrines of demons. As a result, God removed His blessings from Israel.

God will redeem Israel

However, God provided a way for Israel to return to Him. That way is Jesus Christ. Jesus, who was in Heaven with God, came to the Earth and became a man. He was born into the one of Israel’s tribes, Judah.

Unlike mankind, Jesus was free of sin. He was sacrificed for the sins of Israel and for the world. God’s marvelous plan was that whoever would believe in Jesus would be spiritually protected by Jesus shed blood. Believers would be protected from spiritual death and be acceptable to God. They would then be allowed to live eternally in Heaven. They would not be condemned to Hell as would nonbelievers.

The Bible says that believing in Jesus Christ is the only pathway that will lead to Heaven. We would therefore all be well advised to believe in Jesus and follow His teaching as it is articulated in the Word of God, the Bible.