In this Psalm King David speaks of God blessing a nation who believes in and trusts in God. Under David, Israel did believe in and trust in God, and Israel prospered.
David indicated this when he said, “Let our gardens be full, furnishing every kind of produce, and our flocks bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our fields. Let our cattle bear, without mishap and without loss. Let there be no outcry in the streets. How blessed are the people who are so situated. How blessed are the people whose God is the Lord.”
Israel’s Decline
Israel did prosper under King David. However, under later Kings Israel turned away from God to worship idols. When Israel did this, God removed Israel’s blessings. There were draughts and famines. There were diseases. Israel was attacked by enemies. There was no peace. Eventually, God removed Israel from the land. We see a similar trend in America today.
America Is On The Same Path
America was once a nation that trusted in God. America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution have clear evidence of belief in God. America’s currency also reflects this. However, America has now turned away from God. As a result, God’s blessings are being removed. If America continues down its present destructive path, it will become a weak nation. It may well be conquered by other nations.
The Bible says that a time of great tribulation is coming upon the Earth. A powerful nation will arise in Europe. China and Russia will also become very powerful. America is not even mentioned. I believe that America will cease to exist as a nation during these end times.
However, there is good news. The Bible says that Jesus will return to the Earth after the great tribulation. He will restore order and will rule the Earth with Truth and Justice. The world will prosper under His leadership. The world will be finally at peace. What a glorious future awaits those who believe in Jesus Christ and in God the Father.