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In this Psalm David speaks of God favoring the lowly people over those who are powerful and prideful. David writes, “Though the Lord is exalted, yet He regards the lowly; but the haughty He knows from afar.”

The Bible says that God hates pride above all other sins. It was pride that caused Satan to rebel against God. It is pride that keeps people from believing in and drawing near to God.

We must therefore lose our pride if we want to draw near to God. We must acknowledge who He is. He created everything, and He created each one of us. Knowing and believing this should humble us and make us grateful.

The Bible says that God is forming a group of people to be with Him in Heaven. Most people in the world are given over to sin and will be separated from God for all eternity. The Bible says that God will only   coexist with those who believe in Jesus Christ and humble themselves to live according to God’s Word.