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In this Psalm of King David, he writes, “Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty; nor do I involve myself in great matters, or in things too difficult for me. Surely, I have composed and quieted my soul.” David was aware of his limitations, and he strived to live his life within them. We should do the same.

God has bestowed each of us with different abilities and limitations. When we live within those limitations, our lives are better. We do not live in distress or anxiety. We know how to proceed and operate within our chosen career field. When we put ourselves in a position or situation beyond our abilities, we become worried, anxious, and distressed. We do not do our jobs well.

This doesn’t imply that we should not try to improve ourselves. However, having an honest appraisal of what we can achieve will give us a boundary within which to remain. Remaining within that boundary will give us freedom to live full and rich lives being confident in performing our tasks well.