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In this Psalm, David again compares the righteous with the wicked. The wicked people seem to prevail over the righteous. The wicked afflict the righteous. David says, “The wicked strut about on every side where vileness is exalted among the sons of men.”

We see this happening in America and indeed the world today. Evil is called good and good is called evil. There is an open attempt to remove God from our lives.

When people speak the Truth they are suppressed and silenced. They are not allowed to speak what is good and wholesome. However, evil is allowed and even honored.

The Bible says that Satan is behind this evil behavior. The Bible also says that Satan is the spiritual ruler of the Earth. Satan has supernatural powers, and many angels follow him. They are called demons.

Those who want to obey God and live their lives rightly before God are Satan’s targets. However, God will protect them if they want to obey God. Those who want to obey God should realize this and trust in God.