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This Psalm speaks of God motivating various groups of people to turn to Him, believe in Him and obey Him. The Psalmist speaks of those who are in the wilderness lacking food and shelter. In their misery and pain they cried out to the Lord and He saved them, feeding and sheltering them.

The Psalmist also speaks of those who are in “misery and chains because they had rebelled against the Word of God and spurned the counsel of the Most High.” God then humbled them with hard labor. They cried out to God for help and God freed them from their oppression.

The Psalmist also speaks of those who rebelled against God being afflicted because of their iniquity. When they neared death, they then cried out to God for help, and He helped them.

Sailors who were caught in storms and feared for their lives were motivated to cry to God for help, and they were saved.

The land also suffered because of the sins of the people who occupied it. However, when the people turned back to God, God healed the land, and it once again produced abundant crops.

Israel has been characterized by these various groups of people being humbled and motivated to turn back to God. In all cases God provided the motivation to turn their lives back to Him. God motivates all His people to turn to Him.