In this daily Bible reading is the account of Balak, King of Moab, again asking Balaam, the prophet, to curse Israel. Balaam told Balak that he could only speak words that God had given him to speak. On two previous occasions, Balaam had blessed Israel according to God’s words. So, Balak guided Balaam to a third location overlooking the massive camp of Israel hoping for a curse against Israel. However, Balaam once again blessed Israel. Balak was angry and sent Balaam away.
After this happened, Israel began to intermingle with the women of Moab. They also were corrupted into worshiping the gods of Moab. Later the Bible speaks of the error of Balaam. Balaam was offered a lot of money if he would curse Israel. But he could not. It is my belief that Balaam advised Balak to intermingle the Moabites with Israel to corrupt Israel. This strategy worked to a degree and had the effect of cursing Israel. Balaam probably received money from Balaak for this advice.
Balaam was later killed during a battle between Moab and Israel. He had most likely been corrupted with the love of money. That is a danger for believers today. The Bible says, “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” The Bible also says, “One cannot love both money and God.” The love of money will keep us from God.