In this daily Bible reading Jesus concludes His ‘Sermon on the mount.’ In His concluding words, Jesus said the following: “Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven.” Jesus doesn’t desire followers who merely verbalize their Faith in Jesus. He wants people who demonstrate their Faith.
The Bible says that Faith without works is useless. We must therefore do what God commands us to do. There is only one way to determine what God wants us to do. We must read the Bible. The Bible is God’s Word. God used to speak to people through Prophets that God instructed. We no longer have Prophets who relay God’s Words to us. We rather have the written words from God in the form of the Bible.
The Bible says that there is only one way to Heaven. That one way is through Jesus Christ. The Bible says that we must believe in Jesus in order to be allowed into Heaven. However, we can’t believe in Jesus unless we know who He is. There is only one way to know who Jesus is. That way is to read the Bible.
Unless we accurately characterize Jesus, our belief will have no meaning. One can rightly say that the Bible is essential to our Salvation. The Bible should therefore daily be a part of our lives.