In this daily Bible reading is the account of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He was mounted on a donkey and rode from the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem down a road and into the city. The crowds were praising Jesus and laying their garments on the road before Him. The people worshiped Jesus because of the miracles He had performed among them, healing many of the diseases and casting out demons.
The people worshiped Jesus, but the religious leaders hated Him. The Pharisees were indignant that the people were turning to Jesus. They saw Jesus as a threat to their religion. And so it is today. Jesus is a threat to religion. A good example of this is the Roman Catholic Church. The Word of God, the Bible, used to only be written in the Latin language. The people could not read Latin, so they were forced to trust the priests who could read Latin. The priests had great control over the people and held them in bondage with church teachings.
In the 1400s some men tried to translate the Bible into English so that people could read and understand the Bible. The Catholic Church violently opposed this and murdered many of these men.
The Bible says that Jesus is the Word of God. We cannot know Jesus without reading the Bible. We must not rely on religious leaders to guide or teach us. Rather, we must read the Bible for ourselves and let God’s Holy Spirit teach us. Only then we will be able to know Jesus.