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In this daily Bible reading Jesus called a child to Himself and said to His disciples: “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” I believe Jesus was referring to the humility of a child. God wants humble people to reside in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Bible says that God hates pride. So, if we want to go to Heaven, we must lose our pride. We must realize that whatever successes we have in our lives are due to God. It is God who gives us all the things that we have. It is God who has given us our appearance and our ability. We must be ever mindful of this fact. Realizing this will have the effect of enabling us to put our trust and reliance in God for all things.

God causes or allows all things that happen in our lives, good and bad. The bad things are probably due to sin in our lives. We must be aware of this and strive not to sin. God will guide us by the events in our lives. How we respond to those events will be critical to our ultimate destination: Heaven or Hell.

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