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Mark 1:1 – 28

In this daily Bible reading is the account of Jesus beginning His ministry in Galilee. In those days John the Baptist was baptizing people in the Jordan River. God sent John to prepare people for the arrival of Jesus. John was telling them to repent of their sins.

Repentance is a necessary step in believing in Jesus. We must turn away from sins in our lives and trust in Jesus to guide us to our ultimate destination, Heaven. However, we must accurately characterize Jesus if our belief is to have any meaning. We must know who He is to properly believe in Him.

The Bible says that Jesus is ‘The Way, The Truth, and The Life; and that no one comes to the Father but through Him.’ There is no other way to Heaven apart from Jesus. To know Jesus, we must read the Bible.  The Bible is the only book that correctly describes Jesus and teaches us how to live our lives. It must be our daily companion if we want to live correctly and successfully navigate the trials that we will encounter.

The Bible will inspire us and teach us to live by Faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible says that ‘without Faith we cannot please God.’ I believe the Bible is essential if we want to successfully walk the ‘narrow pathway that leads to the small door into Heaven.’

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