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In this daily Bible reading is the account of Aaron first offering a sacrifice for himself and then for the people. The Glory of God then appeared to the people. Also, in these passages is the account of God killing Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, for offering improper incense before the Lord. Nadab and Abihu were not  motivated  to obey God.  They rather were serving their own desires and following their own direction.

This incident illustrates the effect that religion has had on God’s guidance.  Religion has departed  from God’s guidance in many cases.  Unfortunately,  this has led people away from God.  God’s guidance and Truths are only found in His Word, the Bible. 

Some religions have intentionally kept people from reading and understanding the Bible.  For example, the early Roman Catholic Church only allowed the Bible to be written in the Latin language.  Unfortunately, only the priests knew Latin. Therefore, the people were  forced to rely on the priests for God’s guidance.  Sometimes, the priests distorted the Word of  God to serve  their own purposes and keep the people in bondage to the religion.

Reading and understanding the Bible will free us from bondage to religion.  Therefore, it is incumbent on all of us to seek and find God’s Truths  ourselves.  We cannot rely on religion to properly teach and guide us.  Rather, we must read the Bible daily to guide us on the pathway that will lead us to Heaven.

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