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In this daily Bible reading Jesus tells His disciples, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” This is a powerful Truth. There is no other way to Heaven but through Jesus Christ.

We must believe in Jesus Christ to be saved. However, we must accurately characterize Jesus for our belief to have any meaning.

Jesus said, “I am the Truth.” The Bible says that Jesus is the Word of God. Therefore, the Word of God is the Truth. The Bible is the Word of God. If we truly believe in Jesus, we will believe the Bible to be true. We will read, study, and live according to the Bible’s guidance. 

Jesus said that He is ‘The Life.’’  We cannot have true life within us unless we believe in Jesus.  The Bible says that when we believe in Jesus, He will be with us to reside in us spiritually. 

The Life that Jesus provides is what the Bible characterizes as Eternal Life.  This life enables us to live fruitful lives here on Earth.  Jesus said, ”I am the vine and you are the branches.  He who abides in Me and I in Him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.”

We abide in Jesus when we live our lives in accordance with the Word of God, the Bible.  I believe that reading the Bible is essential to abiding in Jesus.  Therefore, reading the Bible is essential to having Eternal Life.  Having Eternal Life is essential to being allowed into Heaven when we die.

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