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In this daily Bible reading is the account of the Babylonian army besieging Jerusalem. Unfortunately, the people and the King still rejected God’s Word spoken through Jeremiah. Jeremiah told them to stop resisting the Babylonians and surrender. Then they would be saved from dying due to the sword, famine, and pestilence that would result from the siege. The people would not listen, and they desired to kill Jeremiah. However, the King saved Jeremiah from being murdered. The people of Jerusalem just did not want to hear the Truth.  They wanted to silence Jeremiah who was alone speaking the Truth. 

The same is true today. Most people reject God’s Word which is the Truth. They don’t even want to hear the Truth but want to continue in their sins which the world approves. Living by God’s Truth in this world is like swimming upstream. It takes much effort. It would be easier to just ‘go with the flow.’ However, going with the flow will result in spiritual destruction.  

The Bible says that ‘it is difficult to be saved.’  Jesus said to His disciples, “In this world, you will have many troubles.” When one commits to following and obeying Jesus he or she should expect their commitment to result in trials, which will test in their Faith. One must be ready to endure and to trust in God for the outcome. Only with this mindset can one remain on the pathway that leads to Salvation.