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In this daily Bible reading Jeremiah speaks to the religious leadership in Jerusalem telling them to repent of their evil ways, so that God will not destroy Jerusalem. The religious leaders did not listen to Jeremiah.  False prophets were  were telling them that Jeremiah was not speaking the truth. The religious leaders intended to kill Jeremiah for his prophecies.  Jeremiah’s prophecies made them feel uncomfortable. They were not receptive to God’s Truth, but they were receptive to the lies that they preferred to hear. 

So it is today in religion and in the world. The Truth makes people uncomfortable. They don’t want to hear the Truth. They even modify religion to affirm lies that allow them to continue to live in sin.

For example, the Bible says that doing homosexual acts is a sin. Homosexuals and the world, in general, do not accept this truth. So they validate one another with the lie that it is OK to commit homosexual acts. They even tell one another that God blesses homosexual marriage. They also invoke God’s name in their homosexual marriage ceremonies. 

However, as Jeremiah knew, denying God’s Truth will not nullify it. Jerusalem was destroyed, just as Jeremiah prophesied. The Bible says that those who do not repent and obey God’s Word will not go to Heaven. We would be well advised to heed this Truth.