In this daily Bible reading Jeremiah prophesies the coming destruction of Judah for their unfaithfulness toward God. The ten northern tribes had previously turned away from God, and God judged them using Assyria as His instrument of punishment. Assyria conquered the ten northern tribes called Israel and removed them from the land in 722 BC. God would punish Judah in 587 BC. Babylon would conquer Judah and remove them from the land.
However, even as God was punishing Israel and Judah, He was planning their redemption and return to the land. Judah was temporarily returned to the land 70 years after their captivity. However, they were again punished by God and removed by the Romans. The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD and Judah was totally banned from the land in 137 AD. The 10 northern tribes never returned.
Today, God is again restoring Judah to the land of Israel. Israel became a state in 1948 in the midst of much opposition from the surrounding Arab nations. Despite these nations’ repeated attempts to destroy the state of Israel, God has preserved Israel, and Israel has prospered. Today, many Jews are returning to Israel from around the world where they have been persecuted and shunned. Indeed, God is fulfilling His promise to restore Israel. One day soon, Jesus will return to be King of Israel and rule the Earth for 1000 years.