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In this daily Bible reading Isaiah prophesies the future glory of Jerusalem when Jesus will reign as King of the Earth. Jerusalem will be a light in a dark world, and nations will journey to Jerusalem to see and learn from Jesus.

The world has been darkened by Satan since Adam and Eve, but Satan’s domain will be replaced by Jesus’ domain. Evil will be overcome and replaced by goodness. Deception and lies will be replaced by Truth. Darkness will be replaced by light.

The Bible says that Jesus is the ‘light of the world’. The Bible also says that Jesus is the Truth. The Truth resides in Jesus. The Truth also emanates from Jesus. We are today given the choice of truth or lies, light or darkness.

We can choose between right and wrong. However,  we are personally accountable for our choices. If we choose darkness and lies we will spend an eternity in agony. If we choose truth and light we will spend an eternity in paradise. On the surface it sounds like an easy choice, but it is not. We have a sinful nature and are attracted and tempted by sinful pursuits here on the Earth.

The world is spiritually ruled by Satan, who is trying to keep us from God. However, God has given us his son Jesus, who is the Truth, the living Word of God. The world hates God because He is a threat to the sinful nature of the world. Therefore, we must fight against our sinful nature. We must cling tenaciously to Jesus if we want to go to Heaven.