In this daily Bible reading the Prophet Habakkuk speaks of Judah’s future conquest at the hand of Babylon. Judah had degraded morally, and justice was perverted in the land. Habakkuk said of Judah, “Justice is never upheld, for the wicked surround the righteous. Therefore, justice comes out perverted.”
America’s legal system is much like that today. Judges have become corrupt, and their decisions are politicized. They use their positions of power to punish those they do not like. They are not impartial as they should be.
Those who take a stand for truth and righteousness are silenced. As a result, freedom of expression is vanishing from America. America is no longer characterized as the ‘land of the free and home of the brave.’ What a shame. Just as God’s judgment came to Judah, it will also come to America.
Knowing this, how then should we live? The Bible says that ‘the righteous will live by Faith.’ We should maintain our Faith in God and walk according to His Word. We need not fear. Rather we should live courageously and always choose to do what is right. At the opportune time we should take a stand and speak out against evil.