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In this daily Bible reading is the account of Joseph revealing himself to his brothers.  Joseph did this in the second year of the 7 year famine.  Joseph was 39 years old.  His father, Jacob was 130 years old. 

Joseph told his brothers that he did not have bad feelings toward them even though they had sold him to Midianite traders when Joseph was 17 years old.  He told them that God had orchestrated all events so that they could be saved from starvation.  Joseph forgave his brothers for doing something so terrible to Joseph.

Joseph’s forgiveness toward his brothers was much like Jesus’ forgiveness toward the Jews who had Him crucified.  The Jews treated Jesus terribly. However, Jesus’ crucifixion resulted in providing the way for God to forgive us of our sins and allow us to live with Him in Heaven. 

The Bible says that God’s ways are not our ways.  However, God’s ways are always best and result in His will being done, both here on Earth and in Heaven.

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