In this daily Bible reading Ezekiel describes the offerings that will be made to the Lord during the Millennial Kingdom. It appears that all offerings of the people will be given to the Prince, who I believe is David. David will then make offerings to the Lord on behalf of the people.
This question remains. Why will there be a need to make atoning sacrifices to the Lord according to the Old Testament Law? Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross alleviated the need to continue the Old Testament sacrifices.
I believe the answer is that the Jews will not believe in Jesus as the Messiah at the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom period. So, to be allowed to remain close to the God, they will be required to continue to atone for their sins by offering animal sacrifices.
This will probably continue until the Jews finally believe in Jesus. I believe that when the Jews finally accept Jesus as their Messiah, then the requirement for animal sacrifices will end.
The Jews will then be receptive to Jesus’ teaching and guidance found in the Bible’s New Testament. They will believe in Jesus, who is the living Word of God.