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In this daily Bible reading God commands Moses and Aaron to go to Pharaoh and tell Pharaoh to let Israel go. God said that He would empower Moses to perform miraculous signs to convince Pharaoh. He also said that He would harden Pharaoh’s heart after each miraculous sign so that Pharaoh would refuse to let Israel go. God said He would do this so that He could perform many miracles to demonstrate His power. In so doing, God would convince both Pharaoh and Israel that He was indeed God Almighty.

Interestingly, Pharaoh’s magicians were able to match the first two miracles: turning Moses’ his staff into a snake and turning the Nile River into blood. This illustrates that the demonic world can perform miraculous signs and has great power.

The Bible says that in the end times Satan will perform miraculous signs to deceive those who will be deceived. Those who are not firmly anchored in the Word of God, the Bible, will be easily deceived. God will then rightly judge between people who are His and people who are not His.

The Bible says that God will separate these groups like wheat and chaff are separated. He will throw the ‘chaff’ into the fires of Hell and the ‘wheat’ will be gathered into Heaven. So, if you want to be included with the ‘wheat’ you should start reading the Bible.  Only then will you be able to know how to walk the pathway to Heaven.

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