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In this daily Bible reading God instructs Moses on the laws Israel must obey if they are to be God’s people. These laws seem to me to be practical and fair and if followed will produce an orderly society. People who follow these laws will be civilized. Without these laws people will become disorderly barbarians.

The Bible says that all people and nations that descend from Abraham will be blessed. America is and has been the most blessed nation on the Earth. There is strong evidence that England, America and Scandinavia descended from Israel.

In 722 BC the 10 northern tribes of Israel were taken captive into Assyria. They never returned to the land from which they were taken. The Bible does not say what became of them. However, there is strong evidence that they migrated north into Europe.

It is probable that the Vikings, who became the Scandinavian nations, and the Celts, who became the British Isles, are descended from Israel. It follows that America’s roots are of Israeli lineage. Scandinavia, Britain, and America are of the most civilized and prosperous nations in the world, demonstrating the promise God made to Abraham 4000 years ago.

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