In this daily Bible reading is the account of Moses leading Israel through the Sinai wilderness. In the wilderness, food and water were not readily available. The people grumbled against Moses for placing them in an uncomfortable situation. They longed to return to Egypt where food was plentiful. They did not trust that God would provide for them. However, God did provide food and water for them. He provided meat in the form of quail birds in the late afternoon. He also provided a bread-like substance called Manna in the morning. God also provided water. God was testing the people to see if they would trust Him and be obedient to Him. However, for the most part the people did not trust God.
So it is today. God tests people to see if they will live according to His guidelines, which He provided in His Word, the Bible. When we believe in God and believe in Jesus, it does not mean that we won’t be tested to see if our belief and Faith are genuine. God will give us adversity and trials to see how we will respond. The right response is to do what the Bible tells us to do. We must therefore be firmly anchored in the Bible. The Bible must be our daily companion if we want to remain on the pathway that leads to Heaven.