In this daily Bible reading is the account of Moses leading Israel to the shore of the Red Sea. Pharaoh and the Egyptians had a change of heart, and Pharaoh sent his army in pursuit of Israel. When the people saw the army, they were greatly afraid. However, Moses told the people that God would fight for them. God told Moses to extend Moses’ staff over the waters. When he did, the water divided, leaving a dry pathway for Israel to use. Then the entire population of Israel, which was over 1 million people, crossed the Red Sea on dry ground. God blocked the Egyptian army from pursuing until Israel was almost across the sea. God then enabled the army to pursue Israel. He next allowed the water to return and cover the entire Egyptian army. The army was destroyed. All the soldiers were killed.
When Israel saw God’s mighty miracles, they then believed in God. They needed a miraculous sign to believe. The same was true in Jesus’ day. Most needed to witness Jesus’s miraculous powers to believe in Him. Today, we do not have signs and wonders to help us believe in God. We have God’s Word, the Bible. God desires people to believe without being convinced by miracles. It takes Faith to believe the Bible to be true. However, unless a person believes the Bible to be true, they cannot understand it. We must therefore lead with Faith. Such is the essence of Faith.