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In this daily Bible reading Daniel sees another vision representing the last days when a powerful person will arise to rule on the Earth. He will be given supernatural powers by Satan to influence the world. This person will be shrewd, influential, and deceptive. The Bible says that Satan deceives the world. Probably his most powerful weapon in leading people away from God is deception. 

To deceive means to make people believe something that is not true. A good example of Satan’s deception in the world is the theory of evolution. The Bible says that God created the heavens, the Earth and all living creatures in a short period of time. However, mankind has been led to believe that all life evolved from a single cell by random processes over billions of years. 

I believe that it takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in God. However, mankind wants to believe that there is no God and that we evolved. Mankind does not want God to exist because then they would be accountable for the sins in their lives. Mankind does not want to give up sinning. So, Satan has used mankind’s natural tendency to sin to make the world believe in evolution and keep the world from believing in God. Satan has been effective with this deception. However, the Bible is true, and evolution is false.