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Daniel 11:36 – 12:13

In this daily Bible reading the angel, Gabriel, completes his disclosures of the ‘end times.’ As the ‘end times’ approach, there will be much death and destruction in the world. The Bible says that the wicked will not understand what is happening, but those who have insight will understand. Those who have insight will lead many to righteousness and away from their bondage to Satan. 

The Bible says that in the end times people will not be able to buy or sell anything unless they have “the mark of the beast” on the wrist or on their forehead. I believe this ‘mark’ will be be a computer chip that can be scanned like a credit card. The Bible says that those who have this ‘mark’ will not be allowed into Heaven. They will go to Hell.

I believe that those with insight will counsel people not to take the chip implant. This will mean that they will have to learn how to live without purchasing the necessities of life. They will have to live off the land, growing food and having animals. I think that true believers will band together and help one another to live. They will establish a barter system for trading goods and services. I further think that true believers should begin to prepare for those days now, as the end times are coming soon.