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In this daily Bible reading Amos prophesies the destruction and exile of Israel and the death of Israel’s King Jeroboam. Amos’ prophecies were troubling to the people in the land and to Israel’s priest, Amaziah. Amaziah’s response to Amos’ words was to command Amos to depart from Israel and go to the southern kingdom of Judah. Amaziah forbade Amos from continuing to prophesy in Israel. 

Indeed, the Word of God can be troubling to people who are steeped in sin, as were the people in Israel. Today, America is steeped in sin, just as was Israel. People in America attend religious services just as they did in Israel. However, preachers avoid the troubling parts of God’s Word that speak about accountability for sin. 

Most churches have grown because their ministers preach a ‘feel-good’ message and do not speak of God’s judgment for sin. Church members are not encouraged to read the Bible, especially in Christian organizations that focus on rituals rather than God’s Word. God’s Word speaks of God’s coming judgment upon the whole world. Not knowing God’s Word will not prevent this sure event. God’s judgment will indeed come, and I believe it will come very soon.